



我们的员工有什么技术问题? 他们得到他们需要的帮助了吗? 我们的IT路线图接下来会有什么呢? These are all examples of questions that the main contacts at each of our client companies can quickly answer inside of our online communications portal. 个人用户也可以获得与他们相关的信息, whether it’s the status of a support request or a new training program that’s been assigned to them by their manager. 门户甚至可以提高客户机操作的效率. For example, when it’s time to onboard new employees, requests for the hardware […]




If you don’t have a strategy that guides how your organization prevents and responds to cyber-attacks, you probably have gaps that are opening up the door to more risk than you can imagine. 另一方面, 当你有策略的时候, you can be confident that what you’re doing isn’t just managing risk but actually lowering it. Lower Cyber Risk by Being Strategic How do you create a cybersecurity strategy that lowers cyber risk? 具体细节将根据你的公司而定, but we’ll give you some talking points that should be included in your strategy discussions. 这是[…]




IT支持关系是如何变坏的? 可能是你的成长已经超出了你的供应商. It’s hard to know for sure if that’s the cause of your problems because the signs can be subtle. What’s more, the situation didn’t happen overnight but crept up on you slowly. 你们刚开始合作的时候一切都很好, 但现在你觉得自己停滞不前了, 或者甚至倒退. 这不仅仅是IT,而是你的整个业务. When you outgrow your IT provider, it means that your needs are more than they can handle. 它可能是[…]




“我们需要澳门赌场网址大全评估吗?” That’s what business leaders are asking as they wonder if their organization has gaps in their cybersecurity posture. Sometimes there’s a lack of confidence in the abilities of their IT team to stand up an effective cyber defense. 通常, the decision to conduct a cybersecurity assessment has to do simply with the desire to get an objective view of what’s really going on with security. 不管你是否有技术背景, 澳门赌场网址大全评估可以回答很多问题, 尤其是那些你没想过要问的. 这些[…]




电话里经常可以听到一声如释重负的叹息, when Ross responds to a client support request and the person on the other end knows that their problem is going to be taken care of… fast. As a Support Specialist at Bellwether, Ross troubleshoots client issues all day long. 当他从一个问题转到另一个问题时,速度很快, 从简单的密码重置到网络问题, 但他喜欢它,无法想象做其他事情. Ross enjoys the variety that comes with each day, and he feels that the company sets him up […]




当你需要IT支持的时候,它却不在那里, 你会觉得自己掉进了一个没有出路的黑洞. Not only does slow IT support response cause frustration for employees, 它会影响你的整个业务. What you end up with is technology that hinders operations instead of enabling them. What happens when IT support is always slow or doesn’t show up at all? Employees lose confidence that IT can help so they stop calling support at all. People try to fix their own issues which diverts them from their work. 他们向同事寻求IT帮助[…]


澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation获得SOC 2 Type 2认证

SOC 2 2类认证

(2022年9月30日年-新奥尔良, LA) – 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation has successfully completed its SOC 2 Type 2 audit and received attestation that the processes they use to handle sensitive information meets high standards for security. The Security and Organization Controls (SOC) framework is the basis for trust principles established by the American Institute of Certified Accountants. Use of this framework extends beyond the accounting industry to any company that wants to demonstrate to customers that they have the correct tools, processes and infrastructure in place to protect the data that they gather and store. 第2级表示[…]




You could have gaps in cybersecurity that make you a bigger target for cyber criminals than you realize. 在一个每39秒就发生一次网络攻击的世界里, it’s only a matter of time before your security blind spots are exploited. When that happens and you find yourself having to deal with the aftermath of a data breach, you’ll wish that you had locked the doors and windows to your network a lot tighter – and sooner. Creating and implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy takes resources of both time and money but a cyber-attack is going to eat up […]




If you still have your company servers onsite at your business location and you’re wondering if you should go to the cloud, 答案可能是-是的. 这是一个好主意的原因有很多, 对墨西哥湾沿岸的我们来说也是如此, 其中一个原因是飓风季节. Let’s make sure that we’re talking about the same thing when we say “cloud” because there are different kinds of cloud computing. 为本文的目的, just think of the cloud as the utilization of servers for file storage and computing resources that are not […]




澳门赌场网址大全 can no longer be considered something straightforward that a small IT department can handle. 事实上,安全已经成为一项关键的业务能力. Add to that the continuous evolution of cyber-criminal tools and tactics, and the security needs of small businesses aren’t that much different from what enterprise organizations have. That’s why more and more business leaders are turning to outsourced cybersecurity services to ensure that they’re managing business risk and building resilience into their organizations. Resilience is the ability to defend against cyber threats and to bounce back if and when a cyber-attack happens. 当它下来时[…]

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